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Can I Help You?
If I can help you to solve your problems with the following topics, don't hesitate to leave me a message.
Your problem is more likely to be solved if it's about academic formulas to memorize which I call them "what I must memorize", academic point of views and mastery on problem solving, skills, text book summaries, and my university notes, basics and understanding fundamentals of them.
1- Structural Analysis and Mechanics of materials: Mohr Circle, Stractural Coordinates, Bending, Shear, Calculation of Inertia Moment and ...
2- Mathematics: Differential and Integral calculations, Curves, Higher Derivatives, Complex Variables, Integration methods, Series and Summation, Differential Equations, Matrix methods, Transfer, Rotation and ...
3- Engineering Dynamics
4- Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Viscous flow, CFD and ...
5- Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Propulsion, Control, Numerical calculations and ...
6- CFD mesh generation and optimization
7- CAD skills
8- Design Philosophy and steps
9- Foreigner Universities Database